Clover’s Jump soon!



だいぶ前に発表されたCLOVERというインドネシアのバンドのアルバム”until whenever”、日本で中々手に入らないこのアルバムを、弊レーベルで取り扱います。3月14日にリリースの予定です。加えて、このバンドを交えてレーベルの周りの方々(といってもそんなに多くはないささやかなサークルのようなもの)と色々と企画をして行こうかなと思っています。

CLOVERとの出会いは、メルシーマガジン#001(abcdefg*record製)に入っていた”Tania in a car”を一聴したことからです。凄い良い。音質が良い。曲も良い。ジャンプが良い!すぐアルバムが欲しかった。でも、ちょっと探してもなかなか売ってない。最近は売っているみたいだけど。その辺がabcノムラ氏の先見性だなあと思います。




We’re gonna deal the CLOVER’s album “until whenever” from my label on line, that has already been  released a few years ago by CD in Indonesia.The album will be ready on iTunes 14th of March.And we have some plan to enjoy the album more with my fellows.

I first met and listen them “Tania in a car” in Merci Magazine #001 that was published by abcdefg*record.Wonderful sound, quality, JUMP!But I couldn’t get the album soon because no Japanese stores deal it.We can find it just now…but.Mr.Nomura of abc… has good foresight.

When I went to Indonesia and meet them, Tania and Tia, last October, I felt to found that they has the same attitude for music just as hi-channel! and me and my closer circle of friend.They’re struggling with their work, music, taking advantage for each things.That’s why I wanted to make friend with them through music activities.

“soundandlife.” is nearly non profit small label.(I wanna get  more profit!)We hope to have a drink with my musician fellows by the earnings someday.Also we wanna have a gig in Indonesia someday!Hey CLOVER, I’ll treat you all to Nasi Goreng and Bintang beer!

to be continued